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Nursing Faculty Spotlight: Marla Kniewel

Posted by Ashley Bails Monday, Apr. 22, 2013

Headshot of Marla KniewelMarla Kniewel, EdD, has been at Nebraska Methodist College since 2004. After many years as a staff nurse and then Neuroscience Care Coordinator, she began teaching in the classroom/clinical setting. Dr. Kniewel recently earned her Doctorate in Education. She sat down to answer a few questions. 

NMC: Why did you decide to become a nurse and eventually an educator?

MK: I actually wanted to be a teacher when I was growing up. I decided to be a nurse after I was married and had a couple of children. As a practicing nurse, I enjoyed teaching patients, family members, new nurses and nursing students. I decided to be a nurse educator when Nebraska Methodist College started the MSN program and enrolled in one of the first cohorts of the program.

NMC: You recently earned your doctorate degree, what was your motivation in earning a PhD?
MK: My mother was a nurse educator (Dr. Jean Beyer) and had earned her PhD at an older age, so she was a great role model. I chose to enroll in a doctoral program focusing on education, so chose the EdD (doctor of education) program with a focus for health care professionals offered at College of Saint Mary.

NMC: What was your area of research?

MK: The effect of team-based learning as an instructional strategy on undergraduate nursing students. I compared exam scores between students taught specific content with lecture or team-based learning, plus evaluated students perception of team-based learning at NMC.

UPDATE: We just found out the Dr. Kniewel earned "Dissertation of the Year" from College of St. Mary. Congrats to Marla!

NMC: What is your favorite part of your job?

MK: Working with the students to facilitate their growth and development as a professional and achieve their dream. I also like the freedom of using creativity to help students learn. I also truly enjoy everyone I work with from various departments of the college.
NMC: What one piece of advice would you give to the future nurses you educate?

MK: Become a life-long learner and try new areas of practice to enhance your practice.
NMC: What do you do outside of work?
MK: I love (flower and vegetable) gardening and reading a good mystery book.

See our other Spotlights:


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