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All About Transferology

Posted by Jessica Stensrud Friday, Oct. 2, 2020

Are you looking into transferring colleges or just want to explore your options? Just thinking about transferring can be daunting, but there's a way to make it easier and less stressful. Save yourself time, money and energy with the website Transferology. Transferology is a free tool and nation-wide network that shows students how coursework from other colleges and universities will transfer. Or maybe you're going to be home for a summer and want to take classes locally to apply to your degree — Transferology helps you see exactly which courses will transfer. Since its launch, more than one million students from all 50 states plus 177 countries have searched Transferology to see how courses will transfer.

Read on to learn more about Transferology and discover how you can transfer your college credits to Nebraska Methodist College.



What is Transferology and what does it do?

Transferology is an online course database and national portal that will allow you to see which college courses you've already taken, are currently taking or are interested in taking that will transfer in to a school you're considering for credit. You can add or enter in courses, compare institutions and see which courses will count towards programs you're interested in.

Advisors, recruiters, administrators and students alike use Transferology. Many colleges and universities are given more visibility through Transferology, so students are able to explore options that may not have known about before. 


How do I use Transferology?

It's extremely easy to get started with Transferology — all you need is an email address. Create your free account (all of your information will be saved). Enter in your current school or university. Select the term and classes you've taken, are currently taking or are considering taking. When you find your class listed, add it to "My Courses." 

Once you've added your classes, click "Search for Matches." You'll see a list of universities and colleges that your classes transfer to. When you click into a certain school, it'll show you exactly which courses transfer and the name of the equivalent. A "++" symbol next to the course name means it will transfer as an elective, meaning there isn't a direct equivalent. Delve deeper into each school by clicking in and seeing how many of your courses match versus how many don't transfer.

You can click "Request Information" to learn more about advising, campus visits, financial aid and more. Any questions will be sent directly to the school you're inquiring about.



Discover a new school.

There's an entire database of higher learning institutions in Transferology, some are big and some are small. You may discover a brand new school that you've never heard of before. Click in to each school profile to learn more information. You'll get to see photos of the campus, the address, tuition information, programs offered and more. As mentioned earlier, you can click "Request Information" to learn more about each school.


Create your new curriculum.

When you feel like you have a good match with a certain institution, or you just want to see what a course program might look like, you can click "Apply Courses to a Program." Search all of the programs offered (it shows a thorough results list). When you select one, click "See how your courses might apply to this program." A "Success" box will pop up, and it'll then show you potential programs at the school you're selecting. 

A degree audit will show you the courses taken that will apply to the program and what you'll still need to take. The green check mark indicates that your course will fulfill the necessary requirement for the program. A red X mark indicates that a course has not transferred over, but a list of programs you can take to fulfill the requirement will be available.


If you're considering transferring to Nebraska Methodist College, let us help! Check out our transfer information page and see exactly what you'll need, or visit Transferology to create an account. You can always reach out to our admissions team to have all of your transfer questions answered as well. 


Topics: campus life, transfer students, preparing for college

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