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Big Changes Come to NMC As Spring Semester Gets Underway

Posted by Marc Costanzo Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016

Welcome back! The snow on the ground isn’t the only thing that’s changed since you left Nebraska Methodist College at the end of last semester. As you make your way through campus, you’ll notice that many of the spaces you’ve grown used to have been shuffled around or upgraded in order to improve the student experience. Here’s your guide to each of the changes we’ve put in place for the 2016 spring semester.

The Charlotte Schultz Learning Commons and Student Engagement Center

Nebraska Methodist College's New Student Engagement Center, featuring couches, pods and tables meant for studying and collaborating

The most obvious change is also the most exciting. During a ceremony held on January 14, Nebraska Methodist College unveiled the Charlotte Schultz Learning Commons and Student Engagement Center.

This space is meant to be a hub where you can study with classmates, meet with counselors and advisors or just get some alone time to study. This is made possible due to things like study pods, meeting spaces, and brand new multimedia equipment that will let you use the technology of your choice to further your academic career.

On the other hand, you can also just go in to hang out with friends and pass the time until your next class. A mini-book rental is currently a work in progress, so bring some used books to the space and take home any good reads you find on your own. Take 1 Leave 1 is the operative term.

Board games are on their way soon too. And although the television monitors weren’t put there so that you could stream YouTube, Netflix, Hulu and the like, such a thing would be theoretically possible to any student who just wants to chill out for a bit. Just remember to log out when you’re done.

Stop on by to check it out and say hello to your counselors and advisors.

The John Moritz Library

John Moritz Library

As people who were here last semester are no doubt aware, the John Moritz library has moved to the first floor. If you’re looking for a book, a quiet place to catch up on schoolwork or a computer to access My Methodist, stop in. Or, you’re always welcome to just say hello to our friendly library staff.

Office Musical Chairs

If you’re trying to find the financial aid office or Ed Tech, you’ll need to take a different route than you might be used to. Financial Aid counselors and the Business Office can now be found near Campus Health in the Clark building, back behind Deja Brew. And if you need to pay a visit to Ed Tech to have your photo taken or for some other reason, you’ll need to visit the Riley Leinart building on the first floor.

Many of your favorite nursing faculty have also shifted to accommodate ongoing changes at NMC. Please contact your professors or ask the front desk for information related to their new office locations in the Riley Leinart Center.

Upward Bound, Student Support Services and the Center for Health Partnerships have also moved and can now be found in and around the Learning Commons and Student Engagement Center on the second floor.

It’s Your Campus

If you have a question about where something is located, feel free to ask a member of our faculty or staff. It’s been quite an adjustment for everyone, but we’re confident that the changes being made will ultimately improve the college experience for our students and set the stage for even more exciting expansions and changes to come.

Thank you for your patience during this time of change, and have a great semester!

Interested in touring our updated facilities yourself? Be sure to schedule a campus visit today!

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Topics: student life, campus life

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