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A Shoulder to Lean On: Student Support Services at Your College

Posted by Molly Atherton, Dean of Students Monday, Aug. 17, 2015

Students studying and socializing in the libraryWith the fall semester starting up, there may come a time when you feel like you’ve been thrown into the deep end of the pool.

The assignments are tougher. You’re balancing work with school. You don’t have a parent pestering you to finish your homework. And toughest of all, nobody else seems to be having these issues, forcing you to keep it all bottled up inside.

Want to know something mind-blowing? You’re not alone. All those students around you that seem to have it all together: they’re facing many of the same obstacles as you, and many of them have sought comfort from the numerous student support services offered by their college.

Nebraska Methodist College offers a wide array of services to get you through whatever challenges you might face. If you’re having trouble, be it with academics, personal issues or anything else, we’re here to help. Here’s how:

Advising: The NMC Difference

At NMC, every single one of our students is paired up with an advisor whom they meet with to prepare for registration. You may talk with this person throughout your program as issues arise. Because your advisor is paired with you based on your degree of choice, he or she will be highly qualified to assist you with the obstacles that apply specifically to your particular field.

It starts from the beginning. When you meet with your advisor for the first time, you’ll map out options for your time at NMC. You and your advisor will consider credit load, your other commitments and the pre-requisites for your program.

Each student is encouraged to visit with his or her advisor frequently. This is a great relationship for moral support and planning for success.  Together, you and your advisor may outline and keep tabs on an academic plan tailored to your needs. That way, you’ll always know where you stand as you pursue your college education.

Instructors Who Care

Of course, it’s not just advisors who are ready and willing to help you adjust to the rigors of campus life. Instructors at NMC are incredibly supportive of our students. If a professor asks to discuss a test or paper with you, please do. Again, we’re here to help YOU, and the sooner you find out how to improve your performance, the better. 

Some students are not used to this interest from instructors, but trust us: it is genuine, helpful and a great way to invest in your education.

Many classes also offer supplement instruction (SI), a weekly review and support session for class that’s actually run by former students who may have been in your same shoes!  How this works is, a student who has succeeded in the class during a previous semester typically partners with the instructor to create a supplement to the classroom instruction.  Think of it as a study group composed of your peers, people just like you who want to work together to overcome any challenges.

GO TO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SI is the best way to meet classmates, get support, ask questions and understand that your teacher and all of us care and want you to succeed.  Instructors will often recommend this to students, but it’s up to you to take the first step toward actually going to these meetings.

But Wait, There’s More!

We’ve delved into academic success, but that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. Your advisor and instructors are only the first of the many helping hands offered by our college.

The following is a list of some of the other services available from NMC:

  • Counseling- Qualified staff members are on hand to help you get through whatever challenges you’re facing in your personal life
  • Tutoring- Personal attention from someone who understands your course load
  • NetTutor- 24/7 web service offered to all students but particularly helpful to the online student population
  • Test anxiety coping sessions
  • Study tips
  • Time management assistance
  • ADA services
  • Military student support
  • An Achievement Coach for Nursing students
  • Spiritual support

One other great way to deal with the stress of college? Your fellow students.

In addition to simply buddying up with the people around you, be sure to get involved with the wide array of student organizations and events offered on campus. These are a great way to connect and create a nurturing, supportive environment that feels just like home.  Online students can join their program’s LinkedIn groups and other online forums offered through their program director.

So there you have it. You don’t (and shouldn’t) have to go it alone. These resources are there for you, and they’re there for a reason. We want to see you succeed, and this is how you do it.

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Topics: student life, campus life, college routine