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What The NCLEX Pass Rate Says About Your Nursing School

Posted by Marc Costanzo Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015

Nursing GraduatesThe NCLEX. The dreaded make-or-break test that awaits all nursing students at the end of their college tenure. Its mere mention is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the hardiest souls…

Or not.

Did you know that Nebraska Methodist College has an NCLEX Pass Rate above both the state and national average? It’s true. The Nebraska State Board of Nursing lists NMC as having an 89.66% pass rate, higher than the 86.1% state average and far higher than the 81.8% national average. If you break it down by season, last fall, NMC had a pass rate of 94%, and last summer, a whopping 100%!

At NMC, we firmly believe in our students, and we’re going to do whatever we can to set you up for future success, both on your NCLEX and in your role in the healthcare field. Here’s how:

Education Centered Around YOU

NMC prepares students to be successful on the NCLEX examination from the very beginning.

Instructors of each nursing course have actually developed testing plans based on the NCLEX. That means that students get a feel for the type of test they’ll be taking when they apply for licensure as an RN.

ATI progression testing prepares students in all content areas they’ll be expected to master. During the last semester of the BSN curriculum, students take an ATI Comprehensive Predictor exam designed to determine preparedness for the NCLEX.

But it’s not just test practices that make a difference. Designated faculty members work with students to develop plans for success on NCLEX examination. If you’re having trouble with one aspect of the curriculum, then you’ll be able to seek assistance on that particular area of focus so that it won’t trip you up come NCLEX time.

And all of this was before this summer, when NMC hired its first Nurse Achievement Coach, a role that means exactly what it sounds like. This member of the faculty is actually responsible for helping nursing students at all levels achieve academic success, get ready for the NCLEX and have a successful career once college is behind them.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

NMC also differentiates itself through its clinical opportunities. As a nursing student at NMC, you’ll be able to enter clinical rotations during your first year of study.  That means that, potentially less than one year after prom, you’ll be able to roll up your sleeves and receive hands-on, real-world instruction from experts in the nursing field. Slightly scary but also totally awesome.

This type of instruction is an excellent supplement to the time you spend in the classroom. Lectures and studying are important, but learning to really communicate with patients is just as critical.

Even when you’re on campus, it’s not like you’ll be spending all day listening to boring lectures or poring over textbooks. NMC is fortunate to have a state-of-the-art nursing arts center as well as simulation experiences that enhance clinical and classroom learning. These simulations are essentially fully interactive mannequins that can take students through high-intensity real-world scenarios in a safe manner, all under the watchful eye of an instructor.

NCLEX Is Only The Beginning

We hope you’ve started to catch on that it’s not all about preparing for a single test. True, these experiences equip you with many of the skills you’ll need to excel on your on exam, but that’s only the beginning.

Nursing programs with a high NCLEX pass rate have developed strategies and resources to promote success for nursing students that goes far beyond one computerized exam. If a school has a high pass rate, that doesn’t just mean its students are great at taking tests; if we’ve done our job right, a student should be ready to immediately enter into a career centered on helping others.

If you ask us, that’s pretty darn important.

Ready to learn more about a future in nursing? Then download our Nursing Careers Guide to find out more about the exciting opportunities that await students once they've passed the NCLEX.

Topics: nurse education, nursing

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