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Omaha, Nebraska - Nebraska Methodist College (NMC) recently opened the CREATE! Faculty Lab, a flexible space that incorporates tools for hybrid and experimental lecture delivery.

“Medical education and student and faculty needs have changed dramatically over the last few years,” said Mark Billington, Director of the Center for Research, Education, And Teaching Excellence (CREATE). “Hybrid learning, 3D printers, and augmented reality and virtual reality environments have all emerged as a key part of the teaching and learning environment. Students expect to learn in new, exciting and engaging ways. The CREATE! Faculty Lab offers many resources and a team to help integrate these important new tools and learning strategies into our curriculum.”

The lab features a 3D printer, allowing faculty to print 3D body parts and assistive device models.

“Imagine printing a 3D heart valve that students can use to better understand how to properly measure a sonographic image,” Billington said. 

Faculty also have access to camera and production software, which allows them to create virtual tours.

Billington said the VR and AR creation tools enable faculty to replicate limited access areas such as Methodist Health System surgical suites. As a result, students can experience and navigate these areas before they start clinicals or jobs.

The lab also features a lecture, presentation and podcast recording studio, a hybrid teaching, learning and meeting area with a Microsoft Surface Hub, and a room-based and mobile multi-camera video recording environment.

“The innovative lab can be quickly reshaped into many different configurations, moving from recording studio for videos and podcast creation to a hybrid meeting space capable of hosting on-site and remote attendees,” Billington said.

The CREATE! Lab is on the second floor of the Riley Leinart Center on campus.

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