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Omaha, Nebraska - Nebraska Methodist College (NMC) is an Apple Distinguished School for 2022-2025.

Apple Distinguished Schools are centers of innovation, leadership and educational excellence. They use Apple technology to inspire creativity, collaboration and critical thinking in learning, teaching and the school environment, and have documented results of academic accomplishment.

“Receiving the Apple Distinguished School award is a proud moment for us at NMC,” said Deb Carlson, NMC president and CEO. “This award is due to the hard work of our faculty and is evidence that NMC is ahead of the game.”

The selection of NMC as an Apple Distinguished School highlights the College’s success as an innovator and a compelling learning environment that engages students, and provides tangible evidence of academic achievement.

NMC’s Center for Research, Education and Teaching Excellence (CREATE) helps faculty integrate the latest technology and educational strategies into the classroom.

Mark Billington, director of CREATE, said they also work directly with students to empower them to use learning tools and strategies like note taking, time management, anatomy apps, digital textbooks and more.

NMC students use innovative technology such as interactive apps that help them learn human anatomy and virtual reality that simulates surgical and hospital experiences. 

All on-campus NMC students are given an iPad as a learning tool.

“Using the iPad has been a game changer in healthcare education. However, having the tools is only one part,” said Carlson. “It takes engaging faculty, staff and students in the learning process for true change to happen.”

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