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How to Earn Your Radiologic Technologist Certification

Posted by NMC Marketing Team Friday, Jan. 10, 2025

shutterstock_2480666575Diagnostic imaging plays a pivotal part in the modern healthcare landscape. Doctors across all specialty areas rely heavily on X-ray images in order to gain an accurate understanding of the health and vitality of the individual patient as well as develop a personalized treatment plan that will deliver the best results.

Thus, those looking to embark on an impactful and rewarding career in healthcare may want to consider a radiologic technology degree and American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification.

Understanding the Role of a Radiologic Technologist

According to the Cleveland Clinic, a radiologic technologist is a healthcare professional who specializes in medical imaging. In addition to performing diagnostic imaging procedures, radiologic technologists may perform radiation therapy treatments. Healthcare providers count on diagnostic imaging to properly treat patients, making the role of radiologic technologists vital in providing patients with positive outcomes.

What Does a Radiologic Technologist Do?

Radiologic technologists primarily work in hospital settings, though they may be employed by healthcare clinics and outpatient care centers. Their key job responsibilities include:

  • Working closely with radiologists to perform diagnostic imaging procedures, such as X-rays, ultrasounds and MRIs.
  • Performing radiation therapy treatments, including administering radiation doses to patients.

Importance of Certification in the Field

According to the Mayo Clinic, radiologic technologists need to be certified in order to work in the field. In all states, rad techs must graduate from an accredited program and earn their ARRT certification. Some states may also have additional licensure requirements, so it is essential to research the requirements for the state in which you intend to practice.

Educational Requirements for Certification

Before you can begin pursuing your ARRT certification, you need to meet the educational requirements for this program. By earning a degree in radiologic technology, you can develop an advanced understanding of diagnostic imaging procedures and their role in the healthcare industry.

Prerequisite Education

The ARRT certification program requires all applicants to complete an approved educational program — such as those that focus on radiation therapy, magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, sonography or nuclear medicine technology. These educational programs provide aspiring radiologic technologists with an advanced understanding of the imaging techniques used in this specialized area.

Radiologic Technology Degree Programs

Radiologic technology degree programs are considered one of the leading educational programs for ARRT certification, largely because these comprehensive degree programs provide students with an opportunity to develop the diagnostic imaging skills and soft skills needed to care for patients in a caring and sensitive way.

Steps to Earning Radiologic Technologist Certification

According to the ARRT, there are three steps required to earn your radiologic technologist certification. To become certified as a radiologic technologist, you will need to:

Enroll in an Accredited Program

The ARRT will only accept applicants who have completed an approved, accredited program. Accredited programs provide the ARRT with reassurance that you have received an education rooted in the best diagnostic imaging practices and aligned with the standards of the ARRT.

Gain Hands-on Clinical Experience

After completing your degree program, you must gain hands-on clinical experience to perfect the technical and practical skills necessary to care for patients as well as prepare them for diagnostic imaging procedures and radiation therapy. The ARRT certification requires all certified radiologic technologists to complete continuing education programs — highlighting the importance of ongoing training and development in this field.

Pass the ARRT Certification Exam

Before you can officially become certified, you will need to pass the ARRT Certification Exam. This test is designed to measure an applicant's ability to effectively accomplish the daily tasks of an entry-level radiologic technologist. It is a challenging exam that ensures that the best possible applicants earn their ARRT certification.

What Is ARRT Certification?

The ARRT certification is the most commonly accepted credential among diagnostic imaging centers and healthcare facilities. The vast majority of healthcare employers require their radiologic technologists to be ARRT certified before they will hire them.

Overview of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, or ARRT, is a credentialing organization that actively works to ensure that only the most qualified and trustworthy individuals are able to secure positions as radiologic technologists.

Benefits of ARRT Certification

By pursuing an ARRT certification as a radiologic technologist, you may enjoy:

  • A competitive advantage in the marketplace, in which most healthcare employers want to hire radiologic technologists who are ARRT certified.
  • Increased opportunities for growth and mobility within the diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy sector.
  • The possibility of higher earning potential throughout the course of your career.

Maintaining Your Certification

Earning your ARRT certification is a major accomplishment that can allow you access to the most desirable entry-level radiologic technologist positions. However, you will need to continue to maintain your certification over the course of your career.

Continuing Education Requirements

Those who earn an ARRT certification have to renew their certification and registration on an annual basis. To do this, you will need to complete the continuing education requirements by:

  • Attending classroom learning experiences.
  • Completing online training modules.
  • Attending professional lectures.
  • Completing self-study programs.

While you must renew your certification each year, you can complete your continuing education requirements over the course of a two-year biennium.

Renewal Process

The annual renewal process is simple and streamlined. As long as you have completed your continuing education requirements, you can easily renew your ARRT certification online.

Career Opportunities and Benefits of Certification

Your ARRT certification will enable you to pursue entry-level positions as a radiologic technologist, but it can also open the door to additional opportunities within the diagnostic imaging sector.

Expanded Career Options

Radiologic technologists are able to specialize in specific imaging techniques, which can allow them to access different career opportunities. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a few examples of specializations radiologic technologists may consider include:

  • Cardiac or vascular radiography
  • Mammography
  • Nuclear medicine

Increased Earning Potential

Radiologic techs have an opportunity to increase their earning potential over the course of their career by pursuing specialized and advanced positions in the field. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for radiologic technologists is about $76,000 per year.

Improved Patient Outcomes

Through earning an ARRT certification, you will become more well-versed in the leading evidence-based practices in diagnostic imaging. The continuing education requirements of this certification program ensure that you are always aware of the latest trends and available data — in turn empowering you to deliver patients the highest-quality care.

Prepare for a Career in Diagnostic Imaging at Nebraska Methodist College

The medical imaging field is always in need of highly qualified specialists who understand how to use the latest technology and are certified to perform diagnostic imaging. At Nebraska Methodist College, we offer an Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology degree program that allows you to develop the foundation required to pursue your radiologic technologist certification.

Request more information about our degree programs today!

Topics: rad tech program, healthcare career

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