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Fall 2014 Dean's List Announced

Posted by Elizabeth Billington Monday, Jan. 26, 2015



Degree-seeking students with a 3.75 semester grade point average (GPA) or better and are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours have qualified for the Dean's List. Honor Roll recipients are certificate students with a 3.75 GPA or better

Students named to the Nebraska Methodist College Dean's List for Fall 2014:

First Name Last Name High School
Bethany         Allen                          Papillion LaVista South HS    
Ashley          Appelt                         Ainsworth High School         
Jacquelyn       Arant                          Westside High School          
Emily           Bateman                        Plattsmouth High School       
Shawn           Bathel                          
Stephanie Bergstrom Vicksburg Community HS (MI)
Jamie           Bishop                         Bellevue East High School     
Sara            Bobo                           North Platte High School      
Wendy           Boller                         Dorchester High School        
Taylor          Bopes                          Elkhorn High School           
Ryan            Brechbill                      Burke High School             
Brittany        Buffum                         Plattsmouth High School       
Ashley          Burbridge                      Tri-Center High School        
Mehgan          Carlsen                        West Harrison High School     
Morganne        Cernik                         Mercy High School             
Abby            Core                           Guthrie Center High School    
Jade            Cunningham                     Laurel High School            
Victoria        Daher                          Gross High School             
Jennifer        Daley                          St. Albert High School        
Kelsey          Detweiler                      Millard South High School     
Jennifer        Dobey                          Papillion-LaVista High School 
Samantha        Docken                         Blair High School             
Rachel          Fedorko                        Marian High School            
Kathryn         Francisco                      Carlisle High School (IA)     
Kathleen        Franco                         Marian High School            
Samantha        Gohr                           Weeping Water High School     
Jennifer        Hansen                         Elkhorn South High School     
Kaelah          Hataway                        Bellevue East High School     
Kendra Holderman Central Christian High School(OH)
Crystal         Hraban                         North Platte High School      
Kirstin         Hugo                           Vermillion High School        
Julia           Jacobs                         Elkhorn High School           
Kate            Jennings                       Bellevue East High School     
Samantha        Jones                          Tekamah-Herman High School    
Megan           Jorgenson                      Millard South High School     
Beth            Kalemkiarian                   Lincoln Southeast High School 
Abby            Ketter                         Norfolk Catholic High School  
Jaime           Kilday                         Abraham Lincoln High School   
Britney         Kirby                          Northwest High  School        
Chelsie         Kirby                          Millard North High School     
Baili           Kleinberg                      East High School              
Jenna           Kneip                          Millard South High School     
Katelyn         Kurtz                          Papillion LaVista South HS    
Rachel          Labedz                         Marian High School            
Cari            Laughlin                       Elmwood-Murdock High School   
Jaycie          Limley                         Burke High School             
Sarah           Marang                         Millard South High School     
Charles         McBride                        Bellevue West High School     
Megan           McClellan                      Ralston High School           
Brenda          Mcelroy                        Thomas Jefferson High School  
Megan           McKelvey                       Auburn High School            
Jessica         Melcher                        Papillion-LaVista High School 
Michaela        Meyer                          IKM High School               
Lauren          Narak                          Papillion LaVista South HS    
Skyler          Newhouse                       Millard West High School      
Annie           Niewohner                      Central Catholic High School  
Brittany        Nordby                         Logan-Magnolia Jr Sr High School             
Patrick         O'Donnell                      Westside High School          
Jessica         Otto                           West Fargo High School (ND)                  
Taylor          Pabian                         Papillion-LaVista High School 
Melisa          Padilla                        Bryan High School             
Meagan          Palensky                       Raymond Central High School   
Mindy           Papstein                       Norfolk Senior High School    
Michelle        Peacock                        Papillion LaVista South HS    
Sarah           Pelini                         Cardinal High School          
Ashley          Petersen                       Skutt Catholic High School    
Katlyn          Pfeiffer                       Doniphan-Trumbull High School 
Denise          Plagmann                       Harlan Community High School  
Nora            Pomerenke                      Lincoln Lutheran Ms/HS        
Chelsea         Portofee                       Papillion LaVista South HS    
Jessie          Pudenz                         East Sac High School (IA)                    
Ashley          Rivera                         Millard South High School     
Christal        Robinson                       Roncalli High School          
Emily           Ronspies                       Pierce High School            
Tori            Ross                           Northwest High  School        
Zachary         Roth                           Millard West High School      
Melanie         Royal                          Skutt Catholic High School    
LeaAnn          Runcie                         Minden High School            
Joel            Sahulka                        Weeping Water High School     
Rebecca         Schneider                      Millard North High School     
Brittany        Scully                         Blair High School             
Matthew         Sharp                          Roncalli High School          
Megan           Shenk                          Grand Island High School      
Karen           Shope                          Millard South High School     
Amanda          Skeen                          Logan-Magnolia Jr Sr High School             
Karly           Skipton                        Elkhorn High School           
Katelyn         Smith                          Virgin Valley High School (NV)               
Ashley          Snitily                        East Butler High School       
Sabrina         Stamps                         Ashland-Greenwood High School 
Danielle        Stappert                       Norfolk Catholic High School  
Presley         Sternberg                      Blair High School             
Branigan        Stonacek                       Pierce High School            
Kayla           Suiter                         Millard West High School      
Megan           Svoboda                        Centennial High School (NE)   
Shelby          Todd                           Nebraska City Senior High School             
Sydney          Urzendowski                    Elkhorn High School           
Felicia         Vallejo                        Arrupe Jesuit High School (CO)               
Danielle        Vaughan                        Blair High School             
Rachel          Volz                           Oak Park High School          
Deirdre         Walsh                          Fullerton High School         
Karly           Watson                         Aurora High School (NE)       
Ann             Weidner                        Bennington High School        
Carrie          Wiese                          Columbus Senior High          
Paige           Zastera                        Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoc High School             

Topics: student achievements, lists

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