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How to Make the Dean's List

Posted by Elizabeth Billington Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014

Students studying in the dining area.Nebraska Methodist College congratulates students who were recently named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2013 semester. The Dean’s List recognizes students who are achieving at high levels academically. To qualify for Nebraska Methodist College’s Dean’s List, degree-seeking students need a 3.75 semester grade point average (GPA) or better and must be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours.

Tips on how to make the Dean’s List: 


Go to class.

Unless you have a real reason to miss class, you should try to go to every single session. Missing just one class could mean losing out on important information that you will need for an upcoming assignment or exam.

Get to know your professors.

Ask them when you have questions about an assignment. Engage them in discussion about their expertise and background. You may have the same professors more than once throughout college, so building a relationship will help you clearly understand their expectations.

Take good notes.

Write down all the crucial information you can during class. Also, consider highlighting or marking important excerpts in your textbook so you can refer back to them. If your professor has PowerPoint slides, see if you can get them.


Set time apart from each day to review material and prepare for your next classes. Read your assigned text, organize your notes, make flashcards, quiz yourself and create study guides to prepare for exams.

Turn in your assignments on time.

In many instances, professors either won’t accept late work, or they will deduct a significant portion of your grade when you turn in an assignment after it is due. Start working on projects as soon as they are assigned.

Utilize the college’s available services.

Nebraska Methodist College’s Academic Resources include free tutoring, supplemental instruction
and writing support, among other services.

As a student, your GPA is important. It’s something that graduate programs consider when admitting new candidates and employers look at when hiring new staff. So, making the Dean’s List each semester is a good goal for students to aim for in maintaining high GPAs and setting themselves for the career paths of their choosing.
Topics: student achievements, college

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