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Faculty Spotlight: President and CEO Dennis Joslin

Posted by Danielle Dubuc-Pedersen Friday, Mar. 1, 2013

Dennis Joslin, PhD, President & CEONebraska Methodist College President and CEO Dennis Joslin recently celebrated his 10th anniversary of leadership at NMC. Joslin has been a part of NMC for a total of 37 years, and he has experienced much change at the college as well as in the healthcare field. Joslin took a moment this week to discuss his passion for healthcare education, his background in nursing and how he likes to spend his time outside the office.

What makes you passionate about Nebraska Methodist College?

Nebraska Methodist College has great people who are committed to making a difference in the lives of our students. We have the opportunity to provide a comprehensive educational experience that results in the transformation of people into well prepared, high quality, healthcare professionals. The culture reflects that NMC is composed of caring and solution-oriented people who are willing to work toward continuous quality improvement in every aspect of our operation.

What is the best part of your job?

The opportunity to interact with outstanding students and great faculty and staff. It is wonderful to be able to facilitate our students’ realization of their dreams to earn their degrees and become the healthcare practitioners they always dreamed of being.  I get to work with incredible faculty and staff who are passionate about their work with students and committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure our students have the best educational experience possible. I am energized when I work with our students and I see and feel the excitement and enthusiasm they bring to campus every day.

What is your background in healthcare, and what was your path to administration at NMC?

I began my career as a registered nurse and practiced in critical care nursing. I had the opportunity to join Methodist School of Nursing as a faculty member with teaching responsibilities in critical care, trauma and neurology. I completed a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing with emphasis in Education and Curriculum Development. Over the years as a faculty member, I gradually assumed various leadership positions and realized that I enjoyed the administrative aspect of higher education. After a few years in various administrative positions, I decided to earn a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration and Leadership. Various appointments that I held prior to the presidency include department chair, academic dean, vice president for Academic Affairs and executive vice president.  I am completing my 10th year as president and my 37th year with Nebraska Methodist College.

You studied nursing at a time when men in the field were even fewer than they are today. What advice or encouragement do you have to offer men interested in nursing?

I earned my BSN in the mid-1970s at a time when nursing was not a common major for men.  At that time, nationwide, the percentage of men in nursing was less than 5 percent, and today those numbers are still less than 10 percent — overall, a slight gain, but not much of a change from a total numbers perspective. My advice for men who are considering nursing is to “do it!”  The field of nursing is so flexible and provides both men and women a wide range of opportunities. This is especially true for nurses who are willing to earn advanced degrees and expand their knowledge and expertise in advanced clinical practice, education or administration. Today’s society is much more accepting of men in nursing and many of the stereotypes from the 1960s and 1970s are not as prevalent.

What do you do outside of your job at NMC?

I am fortunate to have four grandsons under the age of four and they all live in Omaha. I love spending time with them and watching them grow, learn and develop. I also enjoy boating, waterskiing and camping. When I have time, I enjoy doing small house remodeling projects and have recently tried my hand at stained glass.

Topics: nurse education, faculty spotlight

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