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12 Ways to Sail Through the College Application Process

Posted by NMC Admissions Team, revised by Sara Giboney Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

12 Ways to Sail Through the College Application Process

From campus visits to college application deadlines, applying to colleges can feel overwhelming. 

The admissions team at Nebraska Methodist College (NMC) aims to make the admissions process easier.

Read on for advice and tips to help you easily get through the college application process.

1. Ask the college admissions team for help.

Admissions coordinators can be perceived as gatekeepers, looking for a reason to deny students college admission. But that is the opposite of our goals. 

Our goal is to provide each student with individualized support.

“Admissions is here to guide students to the program that best suits their needs and through the application process,” said Cathy Filipowicz, recruitment and admissions coordinator. “We guide students through the process until the day they start classes.”

The admissions team will help you with:

  • Selecting the program that best fits your needs and lifestyle.
  • Information about deadlines and application requirements.
  • Answering questions about college admission requirements.
  • Advising you on transfer credits.
  • Setting up a campus visit or meetings with faculty.
  • Tuition and financial aid information.
  • Confirming your application status.

Reach out to the admissions team when you have questions or need support. We are here to help make the application process less complicated.

Read more: How to Work with Your College Admissions Team

2. Be open and honest with your admissions coordinator.

If your first year of college didn't go as planned, be honest about it. We can only help you based on the information that you provide. 

If you decide to apply, we need all college transcripts, even if you didn’t take anything that would transfer or if it was 10 years ago. We need to know everything about your previous college experience (well, not everything… but grades are non-negotiable).

3. Have your credits evaluated to save time and money.

We are happy to evaluate your transfer credits or help you strategically choose your dual enrollment courses so that you have the best chance at transferring. We want your hard work to have value here.

Read more: What you Need to Know About Transferring Colleges

4. Put your name on your written statement.

I know it sounds simple, but you would be surprised how often we play detective to match statements to files.

Read more: How to Write a Personal Statement for College in Five Steps

5. Leave a message when you call.

We often meet with students or on the phone, so we may miss your call. The best way to ensure we know you need us is by leaving a voicemail with your name and information. We will return every phone call, and most of the time, your call will be returned the same day you leave a message.

6. Check your voicemail and email for messages from admissions.

We try to call you back promptly, but we're unable to connect sometimes if your voicemail is full.

You may also want to check your spam or promotional folders in your email to make sure you didn’t miss a message.

7. Schedule a campus visit.

We love to meet one-on-one with prospective students, their families and support system. We can help you decide between programs and even let you tour the lab of the program you're considering.

When you visit campus, you'll get a feel for the school's culture and meet with the instructors and peers you'll work with throughout your program. Photos on a website won’t give you the same feeling you get when you visit campus.

If you'd rather visit in a group, most campuses offer visit days throughout the year. 

Schedule a campus visit.

8. Be responsible for your admissions process.

As wonderful as it is to have support from family, taking on an important role in healthcare is a very independent endeavor, and it starts with the admissions process. 

Professional communication is essential to success in healthcare. Demonstrating your ability to manage the application and admissions process impresses the admissions committee.

9. Take math and science courses.

If you're going into a healthcare profession, you need to have a good grasp of math and science basics. We recommend taking algebra, medical terminology and biology to build a good foundation.

Most undergraduate students jump straight into anatomy and physiology and college algebra at NMC, so you’ll want to be prepared.

10. Shadow the profession you're interested in pursuing.

If you are interested in an undergraduate allied health program (radiologic technology, physical therapy assistant, sonography, surgical technology, respiratory care), we have connections in the Omaha metro area where you can have the opportunity to job shadow. 

There’s nothing quite like seeing behind the scenes to help you confirm your decision or encourage you to look into other areas of healthcare. It’s best to know if your career choice is right for you before you start the program.

11. Push past your self-doubt and apply.

The only way not to be accepted is not to apply. Filling out an application could change the course of your life. 

Read more: The Start-to-Finish Guide to an NMC Application

12. Know that you are making a great career choice.

With healthcare professions, you'll find an in-demand job market, competitive salaries, growth opportunities and personally fulfilling roles.

Topics: healthcare education, college, admissions