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Sonography Students Achieve 100% Pass Rate on Board Exams

Posted by Angie DiSalvo Tuesday, May. 23, 2017
Cardiovascular sonography class at Nebraska Methodist College

Nebraska Methodist College sonography students recently achieved a 100 percent pass rate on their specialty American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) for 2017.

NMC requires sonography students to sit for one of their two required board exams prior to graduation.

Multispecialty Sonography students are required to sit for either the abdomen or obstetrics/gynecology ARDMS board exams prior to graduation. All 10 students were successful in one modality and five sat for both and are now dual registered.

The national average for first-time ARDMS takers is 81 percent for abdomen and 79 percent for obstetrics/gynecology.

Our Cardiovascular Sonography students are required to sit for either the adult echocardiography or vascular technology board exam. This year, all eight students were registered in one modality and all passed. Three students sat for both exams and were dual registered by graduation.

The national average for first-time ARDMS takers is 74 percent for adult echocardiography and 73 percent for vascular technology.

“We like to keep our exam pass rates at 100 percent, as we like to aim high,” said Anna Nesheim, NMC Program Director for Cardiovascular Sonography. “We prepare students for their board exams throughout their journey at NMC.”

Learn how you can become a vital part of the medical team as a certified sonographer by downloading our one of our degree guides.


Topics: student achievements, sonography

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