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Five Things Students Should Do Before They Graduate

Posted by Elizabeth Billington Wednesday, May. 7, 2014

With graduation just days away, we want to say congratulations to the Nebraska Methodist College Class of 2014. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors as you search for your first jobs, begin new careers or perhaps prepare for graduate study.

If you aren’t graduating this year, now is a great time to take a good look at your friends who are and start taking notes. Take the opportunity to ask them questions and learn from their successes as well as challenges in pursuing their chosen careers.


Before you graduate, here are five things you should do: 

1. Study

This probably seems obvious, but don’t take this advice for granted. For many Nebraska Methodist College students, your finals won’t be the last tests you have to take. Licensing exams, such as the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) for nurses, will follow soon after graduation. 

2. Job shadow

If you really want to find out what a job is like, shadowing someone for a day is a great way to find out. While job shadowing, you will quickly find out if a job really is or isn’t for you. It’s also a great way to meet people in your future career field, which brings us to our next point… 

3. Network

Join and participate in the student association or society for your respective career field. Through these organizations you will meet others in your field while gaining great insight into your future career. Also, go to career fairs and recruitment events (even if you have already found a job) to learn about all the opportunities that exist in your career field. Dress nice and bring plenty of résumés. Speaking of résumés… 

4. Build or update your résumé

Once it’s time to apply for a job, having a current résumé will save you some time because you won’t have to start from scratch. Include all work experience you’ve ever had — not just healthcare-related experience — and clearly list any clinicals or internships you’ve done. Also, update your references. Make sure to personally ask each person you plan to list if they will give you a positive reference. Ask your advisor or a professor to give you feedback on your résumé. 

5. Have some fun

Yes, classwork comes first, but don’t forget to enjoy the ride. Once you graduate, you may not see many of your college friends again as your lives and careers take you in different directions. After graduations, things may get a little hectic, so make time to hang out with your friends now. 
Topics: nurse education, student life, college, campus life

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