With Thanksgiving coming up in a few days, we thought that we would take a break and tell you about all the things we are thankful for. We hope that you are able to spend time with friends and family this week and give thanks to the many blessings in your life.
Cathy Barnes
Assistant Professor, Nursing
I am thankful for times when I get to witness the genuine kind and compassionate care that often occurs in clinical situations. This last week I witnessed student nurses sitting and holding the hands of a dying woman, combing hair while gently speaking to a frail elderly woman, and laughing and reminiscing about life with another patient. These real moments of shared life make me thankful for each precious person that I am blessed to encounter. These are moments that remind me to be thankful.
Drew Christensen
Outreach Coordinator
I am thankful for my team- staff, teachers, volunteers- who truly take pride in working with our students. I’m fortunate to work in an environment where it does not feel like work, rather a place where people come together to inspire and make a difference one day at a time.
Kathleen Franco
Student, Radiologic Technology
I am thankful for my education because it has opened up so many doors in my life - ranging from engaging conversations with others, job opportunities, and having the self-confidence to approach any challenge.I am thankful for my family, who is the best support system anyone could ever hope for.I am thankful for my fireplace - keeps my toes nice and toasty through the winter!
Lisa Fuchs
Director of Clinical Education, Respiratory Care
I recently attended a conference at the conference a speaker quoted the following; "if you want to predict the future you have to invent it." I have the job of not only preparing the future RT students, but the opportunity to mold and teach future students. For that I'm truly grateful and humbly honored. The students are now prepared to change the future and jump into the ever-changing healthcare world with both feet.
Daniel Johnston
NMC Chaplain
I think it begins with the attitude of gratefulness my parents lived with, while having a large family. And very little of everything else. I have also been shaped by my Christian faith which challenges me to, ‘…give thanks in all circumstances’. (I Thes. 5:18NIV) Not necessarily for all circumstances, but when one looks for a reason to be thankful, it grows in you. Finally, I am thankful every day for working in a place and in a profession that focuses on helping others and helping students become better caregivers for folks in their time of need.
Kristin Mattson
Director, Center for Health Partnerships
I am inspired by the work that our community partners are doing to improve the health and well-being of their communities. Last Saturday, I had the privilege of having lunch with a group of promatoras who are partaking in a voluntary training program to be health promoters in their own communities. Their passion for their work and the impact they are already having on community health are truly inspiring. Tomorrow I have the opportunity to work with 20 girls from Girls Inc. who are learning to be health ambassadors in their own schools…another example of the ways communities are taking ownership of their own health. I am grateful to have the opportunity in my job to work with and learn from such dedicated people.
Mario Palomino
Student, Physical Therapist Assistant
I'm thankful for my amazing PTA classmates and faculty. Over the past two years, we have become a family with both ups and downs, but a "family" nonetheless...One that I am proud to be a part of and will never forget.
Marlin Schaich
Associate Professor, Arts & Sciences
I’m certainly thankful for all the goodness I see when I look at NMC: the accomplishments and service of our students, the commitment and innovation of our faculty, and the foresight and integrity of our Administration. I do have to admit that I’m not always thankful, and in fact complain, when I focus on realities in our world such as injustice, selfishness, greed, and judgment. The deeper reality, of course, is that I myself too often give reason for others to complain instead of be thankful. So I’m especially grateful for people putting up with me, and for the realities of forgiveness, reconciliation, acceptance, and healing.
Matt Stockfeld
Director, Educational Technology
I am thankful for being thankful. When you think you have nothing to be thankful for, you aren’t giving the process enough attention. The greatest inspiration and compassion comes from a place of gratitude. I am also thankful for the Red Bandit. I have a cardinal that decided to make his home in my bushes. He loves to attack my red truck, peck at himself in the side mirrors, fly into our windows, and poop everywhere. I must accept there are some things I cannot control. I was told I cannot harm him, so I have had to accept the reality that he and his family will leave when he is ready. Until then, I have found a way to enjoy the cardinal sounds and especially appreciate hearing and seeing them in the Winter months.
Shannon Struby
Program Director, Physical Therapist Assitant
I am thankful for the opportunity to work with students who strive to do their best and be the best health practioners they can upon graduation. My students are very passionate about our profession, they are ethical, empathetic, and want to always do what it best for thier patient. I am also thankful for a work environment that allows me to teach in a way that I feel is appropriate for my profession, and faculty and staff that support me.
We hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving holiday!