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2016 Promises to Be Biggest Homecoming Ever for NMC

Posted by Marc Costanzo Monday, Oct. 10, 2016

2016_Homecoming_Week_Activities_Calendar.jpgIt’s almost that time again…Nebraska Methodist College Homecoming!

Yes, we know, we know, if you’re a student, you’re more focused on fall break right now, but with so many events to register for, we want to make sure you don’t miss a beat.

With the college opening its doors in 1891, we’ll be celebrating our 125th anniversary, so it only makes sense that this year’s homecoming celebration would be bigger than ever, with events open to alumni, students, faculty and staff. We may even have a few surprises up our sleeves, so you won’t want to miss a day on the NMC campus between October 17 and 21.

Monday Equals Fun Day

Ox N Bull BBQ food truck serving Nebraska Methodist students, faculty and staff with barbeque and drinks

Homecoming week kicks off on Monday, October 17, with a thank you to everyone who makes the NMC community the awesome place that it is.

All students, faculty and staff will be getting a free meal courtesy of OxNBull BBQ, whose chili and cinnamon rolls were a hit at last year’s Convocation ceremony. However, you’ll need to register beforehand to get your free meal ticket, so don’t miss out!

And that’s not all; in addition to lunch, we’ve got ice cream available from eCreamery. Only the first 200 people to arrive to the Clark Dining Hall will get their free cup, so make sure to be here as close to 11:00 AM as possible so you don’t miss out.

This lunch event runs from 11:00 am to 12:30. Get there early!

Trick or Tuesday

Tuesday marks the big campfire event taking place at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. This is open to alums, current students, faculty and staff. We want the whole of the NMC community to be there.

S’mores? Check. Hot dogs? Check. Access to all the attractions normally offered by Vala’s on a regular basis? You bet!

Although you will need to pay for your own admission into Vala’s, you can register for the campfire itself at no cost. We have reserved the main pavilion for everyone affiliated with NMC. Bring your family and friends and make a night of it.

Free (Root) Beer on Wednesday

Two Nebraska Methodist College students throwing a frisbee at the Root Beer Kegger

On Wednesday, the front of the Clark Center will be transformed into the epic party of the century.

Kegs of root beer, vats of ice cream and yard games as far as the eye can see. That’s what awaits students who come by to take part in the Root Beer Kegger from 3:00 – 4:30. And don’t worry about the weather; if for some reason it doesn’t cooperate, we’ll head inside for the festivities.

At the same time, the Clark Dining Hall will host a pumpkin-decorating contest. The person who creates the spookiest, kookiest, weirdest or coolest pumpkin will walk away with an awesome prize.

Don’t Dodge Thursday

One the teams throwing dodgeballs at the other team during the Dodgeball Tournament

Last year’s Dodgeball tournament was a sporting event like no other on the NMC campus, and this year promises to outdo even that. Will anyone be able to overcome the PTA students as they defend their title from 2015?

If you think you have what it takes, register your group of 6.

Finale Friday

Finally, celebrate NMC Spirit Day on October 21. Everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite NMC gear and post photos using #NMCadventure.  Facebook, Instagram or Twitter please (if you enter, tag us to make sure we can actually see your post). An Amazon giftcard is on the line, and we’ll be accepting entries all week.

Friday is also the day that we welcome our alums to campus. That morning, the 50 Year Honor Brunch will be held as a way to recognize the accomplishments of the class of 1966.

At night, the Alumni Reunion dinner takes place at the DC Centre. This year’s event will be a Casino night, with more chances to win prizes going to those who have the most chips at the end of the evening. Blackjack, Texas Hold ‘Em, Craps and more will be there, so if you fancy yourself the gambling type and you’re an alumni of the college, you won’t want to miss this event.

You can register for both the 50 year Honor Brunch and the Alumni Casino Night extravaganza.

It's Almost Here

Help us make this the best Homecoming in the 125-year history of the college. Sign up today using the various links included in this blog, and spread the word to any students and alumni who haven’t yet registered.

Welcome home.

Topics: just for fun, campus life

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