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Faculty Spotlight: Paul Savory, Vice President of Academic Affairs

Posted by Elizabeth Billington Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2014

Savory, PaulAs vice president of Academic Affairs, Paul Savory, Ph.D., plays a major role in ensuring that Nebraska Methodist College’s programs are effectively preparing students to thrive as healthcare professionals. Savory was recently selected to by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) to participate in its Executive Leadership Academy. He is one of 23 senior-level administrators in higher education nationwide to be chosen for the year-long program, which prepares provosts and vice presidents with the skills and knowledge to be future college presidents. Savory took a moment this week to discuss his career and his passion for education.

Tell us about your career as an educator.

I have been in higher education for more than 20 years, having started as an assistant professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1994. I advanced through the academic ranks at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and was promoted to Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and later moved to the Department of Management. In addition to my faculty responsibilities at UNL, I assumed a range of administrative positions, including interim associate vice chancellor for extended education and outreach, the director of summer sessions and coordinator of the peer review of teaching project. Then in June 2012, I joined Nebraska Methodist College in my current role as vice president of Academic Affairs. 

What is your role at Nebraska Methodist College?

I serve as the chief academic officer and dean of the college. This involves providing direction and leadership for our three academic divisions — Nursing, Arts & Sciences and Health Professions — and supervising the budget, policies, evaluation and planning for all academic programs. 

What makes you so passionate about higher education?

Being an effective educator is more encompassing than just being able to deliver a student lecture with coherence, clarity and the ability to sustain students’ attention. Rather, being effective requires one to impact students in the classroom, encourage student enthusiasm and inquiry outside of the classroom, and to participate in efforts to improve the direction, role and value of teaching and scholarship.  Overall, we impact students’ lives and help set a foundation for their future success. 

As an administrator, what do think the future holds for Nebraska Methodist College?

The future is extremely bright for Nebraska Methodist College. We are personalized enough to develop one-on-one connections with our students that will greatly impact their success academically and as a health professional. 

How do you spend your time when you aren’t working at your job at Nebraska Methodist College?

My wife and I juggle taking our two daughters to their sporting events and school activities.

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