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6 Ways to Save Your Sanity During Finals

Posted by Kathy Dworak Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015

A stressed student resting her elbows on a stack of textbooks and massaging her templesWith finals just around the corner, this is the perfect time to examine all those ways that you can help yourself stay in optimum physical and mental shape. Warning: some of these might help you have the best finals week ever!

1. Don’t Stress

Easier said than done, right? With finals on your radar, letting go of stress probably seems nearly impossible.

When things are feeling especially overwhelming, step away from the situation for just a couple minutes. Take deep, deliberate breaths. When you remove yourself from the chaos, it's a lot easier to tune out the chaos. You'll feel refreshed once you ultimately return to the task at hand.

2. Eat Well

When you’re focused on studying for exams, nutrition may be the furthest thing from your mind. In fact, overeating often goes hand in hand with stress.

Rather than fill up on candy, high-sodium chips and other junk food, explore some healthier options. Did you know that Nebraska Methodist College actually has a section of the vending machines reserved for healthy eating? Check it out the next time you’re in the dining area.

You might also be surprised by the positive impact simply drinking more water can have. Not only can this keep you from indulging in junk food, but being properly hydrated can help with your mood, brain function and energy. Not bad for a little bit of H20.

3. Exercise

Why not pair crunch time with abdominal crunches? Put your NMC fitness area membership to good use and burn off some of that finals stress. You’ll be glad you did.

4. Lean on Others

Having healthy relationships can be a critical component to letting go of stress. Instead of keeping all your stress and frustrations bottled up inside, talk it out with those you’re closest to.

The same goes for studying. You may just find that group study sessions help you focus your mind on the task at hand better than pulling an all-nighter by yourself ever could.

And if you don’t have anyone readily available to talk things through, that’s what I’m here for! As the campus health counselor, I’m here to help you out with any issues you may face. Just schedule an appointment by contacting me at (402) 354-7080 or It really is that easy.

5. Sleep

You’re far more prepared to tackle the challenges of finals week and life in general if you’re well-rested. Nurses and allied health professionals pride themselves on their work ethic, and rightfully so, but you really can’t be at your best unless you take the time to take care of yourself as well.

Get eight hours of sleep per night. No if’s, and’s or but’s about it. Even if you have a final the next day, here’s the dirty little secret of higher education: you’ll have a better chance of passing the test if you sleep for eight hours rather than stay up those eight hours studying.

6. Smile and Laugh

Finals week seems like serious business, and it is, but like anything else in life, you deserve time to smile and laugh. Take a few breaks to chill out with friends, watch a stupid movie or do whatever else is necessary to bring a smile to your face. Trust me when I say you won’t regret taking time out of your day to enjoy yourself.

To find out more about any of these topics or if you just want to talk, don’t hesitate to contact me at the number and email above. I’m here to help you however I can. Good luck on your finals!

Topics: campus life, wellness

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